Tend to Your Garden

As we rise out of the depths of a snow covered Wisconsin landscape, we are reminded that beneath this insulation of snow, lies the seeds of potential ready to awaken from a long slumber. Reflecting upon our outside world reminds us of our own seeds of potential that need to awaken and grow.

This spring season, take a few moments to reflect on areas that feel heavy, dark, overwhelming. Ask yourself, what do you need to free yourself of? What thoughts, patterns, habits are no longer serving you? What are three action steps you can take to create fertile soil in your mind, body, and spirit.

Commit to three things - start small. You can look closely at what you listen to, what you eat, how often you move your body, or perhaps how often you allow yourself to be still. Remember, little changes cultivated and tended, can have a major impact on your emotional and physical health.

We have created new classes, expanded our offerings, and are ready to support you on your path. Take a look at our classes or maybe try out a Sound Session or one of our many therapies to assist you in finding the clarity needed to tend to your own internal garden.

Sending you much love and light to grow this spring.

“Your mind is a garden; your thoughts are the seeds.

The harvest will bring either flowers or weeds.”

- Jackie Trottman


What we Practice, we Become.


Broken Cup