Experience The Benefits of Reiki - A Path to Restorative Healing

In a world where the pressure of modern life often leads to stress and a feeling of always being on the go, it is essential to find ways to come back to ourselves. If we can learn how to ring ourselves back to our center, we can engage with life differently. Reiki can be a tremendous means of providing support for you throughout all areas of your life.

The main purpose of a Reiki treatment is not only to “clear” your energy, but also to promote self-awareness so that you can carry this into your day-to-day life. Regardless of your health status, whether you are feeling challenged or on top of the world, Reiki has the potential to benefit everyone. 

People come to Reiki for all sorts of reasons. Some want to revitalize their energy levels, alleviate the stress of daily life, move through burn-out, navigate life’s transitions with more ease, or just create momentum when they’re feeling stuck. Others are drawn to Reiki for a spiritual connection; a desire to experience a greater sense of meaning in life. Many of our clients are well and wish to preserve and enhance their health. Reiki is an invaluable tool to help maintain harmony and empower individuals to respond to life from a place of resilience, and strength.

Benefits of Reiki

●      Provides deep relaxation that supports the body to release stress and tension

●      Promotes harmony & balance

●      Supports the release of energy ‘blocks’ - promoting natural harmony between mind, body, and spirit

●      Anchors one in the present moment

●      Enhances sleep quality

●      Boost the body’s self-healing ability 

●      Helps relieve pain & eases discomfort

●      Nurtures spiritual growth

●      Compliments medical treatment & other therapies


For the month of November, we will be offering 10% off your first Reiki (Energy Healing) appointment. Experience this life changing therapy for yourself.



Revive & Thrive: Weekly Revitalization for the Mind & Body


What we Practice, we Become.