Phoenix Rising Experience


  • The constant cycle of trying new diets, exercise routines, and medications without achieving sustainable results

  • Feeling stuck in a vicious cycle of repeating the same actions and expecting different outcomes

  • Your unconscious limitations and conditioning where you are always seeking to uncover and overcome the deep-seated beliefs and behaviors that are holding you back from experiencing true transformation

  • Carrying emotional baggage and unhealed wounds as you desire to heal this energetic baggage that is impacting your relationship with food, your body, and your overall well-being

  • Yearning to understand and care for your unique vessel and unlock its amazing potential

  • Your desire for lasting change


Freedom from the control of food and body-related issues, and freedom to live their lives authentically, joyfully, and on their own terms.

Women who are ready to be free of negative self-talk and images.

  • Women who want to enjoy food and nourishment.

  • Women who want to shift their energy to align with beauty and grace.

  • Those who are ready to release the ancestral and cultural imprinting.

  • Those who are committed to going on the inward journey to freedom.

  • Women who are willing to learn new tools to empower them.

  • Women seeking a healthier, more vibrant, and joy-filled life.

  • Women who value creating more meaningful relationships with themselves and others.

  • Those who want to be in alignment with their divine purpose.

Feeling Stuck? Tired of doing the same things and expecting a different result? Are you swimming in thoughts of exercise, diets, weight loss, shame, guilt, and exhaustion? Then this is your path to profound freedom, energy, and feeling good!

This program is a combination of 1-1 coaching and 12 weeks of self-paced curriculum to guide you on the journey.

Unlock the transformative power of Phoenix Rising—your ultimate solution awaits.

This Program is For…

Women who are ready to be free of negative self-talk and images.

  • Women who want to enjoy food and nourishment.

  • Women who want to shift their energy to align with beauty and grace.

  • Those who are ready to release the ancestral and cultural imprinting.

  • Those who are committed to going on the inward journey to freedom.

  • Women who are willing to learn new tools to empower them.

  • Women seeking a healthier, more vibrant, and joy-filled life.

  • Women who value creating more meaningful relationships with themselves and others.

  • Those who want to be in alignment with their divine purpose.

Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

You don’t need to do this anymore.

Here is a bold question I want you to ask yourself -

What would it mean for you to break free from the exhausting cycle of food and body-related struggles, and instead, embrace a life of limitless possibilities, self-love, and empowerment?

Client Love

“Having struggled with my weight my entire life I reached out to Kelly through her life coaching and healing arts.  My history with food included every possible diet ever created with short-term unhealthy results and an obsession with the scale.  I believed my life would be perfect if I could only be thin. I tried just about every possible way to accomplish losing weight resulting in frustration, sadness, and failure.  After meeting with Kelly, I realized that this long-entrenched dysfunction with food created deprivation, self-inflicted punishment, and shame.  She helped me shift and reframe my relationship with food.  I no longer obsess about the scale or how many calories or macros.   I’m giving my body good healthy energy that is in balance.  It is like an anchor that has been around my ankle for my whole life has been removed. I feel normal and healthy.  Thank you for freeing me.”

-J.L. Rhinelander, WI

In this dynamic program, each woman will rise from the ashes of their conditioned self into the powerful, intuitive, creative, RADIANT soul that they are!

Are you ready to dive in with unwavering dedication and embrace the extraordinary possibilities that await you?

  • Three months of guided support

  • Liberation from food and body struggles

  • Uncover deep-seated limitations

  • Powerful tools and techniques

  • Access to 12 curated modules packed with captivating videos, soul-stirring audios, and handouts

  • Embrace this transformative journey and unlock your true potential with Phoenix Rising.

“I am so thankful for what Kelly’s Coaching has done for me; I feel like I have been freed from a dark cave.” R.G. Merrill, WI