Intuitive Healing with Nicolette

  • Energetic Card Reading

    An energetic card reading involves using a deck of cards containing symbolic images or messages to gain insights, guidance, or clarification on various aspects of life.

    Energetic Card Reading:

    Virtual & in person:

    30 minutes-$40

    60 minutes- $70

  • Spiritual Guidance

    The session typically begins with Nicolette attuning to the client's energy to facilitate a connection. She then receives impressions, images, feelings, or messages to guide and assist each client. The aim is to provide comfort, closure, or insights to clients seeking connection or clarity.

    Spiritual Guidance

    Virtual & in person:

    60 minutes- $70

    90 minutes- $100

  • Intuitive Energy Healing

    This holistic approach aims to identify and resolve imbalances or blockages affecting physical, emotional, or mental well-being. Through techniques such as hands-on healing, visualization, or working within the body's energy field, the goal is to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall health by harmonizing the body's energy.

    Intuitive Energy Healing:

    Virtual & in person:

    60 minutes-$100

    90 minutes-$140